Finding the Right Pre-Money Range for a High-Growth SaaS Startup: A Guide for Three-Year-Old Companies with M ARR

As a founder of a high-growth SaaS startup, determining the right pre-money valuation is a critical step in your fundraising journey. This valuation not only sets the stage for your company’s future growth but also impacts the amount of equity you’ll have to give up in exchange for investment. If your three-year-old SaaS startup is doing M ARR (.8M total revenue) and growing 100% year over year, you might be wondering what pre-money range you should be looking at. This article will guide you through the process of finding the right pre-money range for your startup.

Understanding Pre-Money Valuation

Pre-money valuation refers to the value of a company before it goes public or receives external financing or investment. It’s a crucial metric for investors as it helps them determine the amount of equity they will receive in exchange for their investment. The pre-money valuation is typically based on the company’s past performance, future growth prospects, and the risk associated with the business.

Factors Influencing Pre-Money Valuation

Several factors can influence the pre-money valuation of a SaaS startup. These include:

  • Revenue Growth: A high growth rate is a positive signal to investors and can significantly increase your startup’s pre-money valuation.
  • Market Size: The larger the market your startup is targeting, the higher the potential for growth and hence, a higher pre-money valuation.
  • Profitability: While growth is important, investors also look at profitability. A profitable SaaS startup can command a higher pre-money valuation.
  • Competitive Landscape: The level of competition in your market can also impact your pre-money valuation. If your startup operates in a highly competitive market, it might lower your valuation.

Calculating Pre-Money Valuation for a SaaS Startup

There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for calculating the pre-money valuation of a SaaS startup. However, a commonly used method is the revenue multiple approach. In this method, the startup’s revenue is multiplied by a certain factor, typically between 3 and 10, depending on the factors mentioned above.

For a SaaS startup with M ARR growing 100% year over year, a reasonable pre-money valuation might be between M and M. However, this is just a ballpark figure and the actual valuation could be higher or lower based on the specific circumstances of your startup.


Finding the right pre-money range for your SaaS startup is more of an art than a science. It requires a deep understanding of your business, the market, and the investment landscape. By considering the factors mentioned above and using the revenue multiple approach, you can arrive at a reasonable pre-money valuation for your startup.